A Procrastinator's Guide To Getting Things Done

January 04, 2018

A Procrastinator's Guide To Getting Things Done

Hey Clevergirls!

Happy New Year!  Is it just me or did 2017 absolutely fly by? I say that every year, but seriously?! What a blur!  Here at Clever Designs LA, we’re ready (after a couple days of procrastination of course) to start this year off running!  Now I’m no expert life coach/goal-setter what have you, but I thought I’d share a few tips that have helped me reach my goals in the past.  And selfishly, sometimes inspiring others is just the inspiration I need to get going myself! :-)

I always start by writing my goals/resolutions/dreams/desires down somewhere (or in my case EVERYwhere!).  My favorite is my “goal board” I keep in my bathroom so that I’m constantly reminded of my intentions so I can stay focused and driven.  My husband, David, also encourages me to keep a “design statement” that I rewrite every 6 months with my personal, professional and financial aspirations.  The key is to actually read it frequently.  He’ll tell you twice a day, but I like to keep it sitting by me and read over it a few times a week.

David by the way, is maybe the most productive person EVER and keeps this procrastinator in check on a regular basis.  In addition to breaking down my goals into micro-goals, he taught me to schedule out my tasks (of course I keep a daily list…I love lists!) by the time it takes to complete them.  THEN, set an alarm for that time frame to keep me on my toes.  For example, I want to write a Clevergirl Life blog post that will take me about an hour.  I’ll schedule it from 10-11am with an alarm at 11 so I don’t get sidetracked with Instagram or cleaning (yes I do anything to procrastinate) when I should be writing.  Remember to keep these achievable.  You don’t want to set yourself up for failure that will get you totally off course.  Baby steps are best!  YAY for crossing things off that list!

So now we have our goals set, written down, easily accessible and scheduled.  Because I am the world’s best procrastinator, I know I could still find things to take me off course, as I mentioned before- cleaning (who does that?!).  I like to take time at the end of the work day, in the evenings or on the weekends to declutter, clean and organize my space. This way it’s prepped and ready for me to dive right in!  I recommend investing in items, apps or systems that help keep you organized long term so you’re not spending a ton of time doing this every. single. day.  This is actually what helped to inspire the blingsling.  My jewelry would end up EVERYWHERE.  And as any girl who has worn jewelry before knows, untangling those babies takes tiiiime (or your significant other’s time ;-) ).  Now the blingsling is keeping my necklaces organized, stored and untangled FOR-EV-ER.  Check! Check! Check!

Speaking of significant others…an accountability partner is crucial!  Grab your bestie, your mom or your husband and let them in on your plans.  It’s actually kind of fun to share plans with someone since they usually get excited for you, too.  It’s like a mini cheer section just for you!  Note- make sure to pick someone who will be honest and hold you accountable in a positive way.  You don’t want to end up having someone encouraging your procrastination and you definitely don’t want anyone who’s going to bring you down.   A positive mindset can change your life.

Finally, remember to give yourself a break for slip ups!  You can’t always be positive and you can’t always stay on track.  It’s impossible to be perfect and pretty dang hard to be 100% anything.  I find that little rewards for small goals in between the big ones keep me on track.  David and I will set a reservation to a new restaurant if we both reach our goals by a certain date or take a day trip somewhere to relax.  Positive reinforcement goes a long way and you deserve it!  Just do it.  Start somewhere.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the changes you’ll see and feel in yourself.

Love. Inspire. Grow. Enjoy.


PS- If you’re into positive/self-help style books, You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero gave me some awesome tips to boost my life in the right direction. Happy reading!

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